When Frodo was found he was starved, terribly mangy, dirty, and had giant bald patches where his fur used to be. Even though this dog’s eyes were intensely swollen due to infection, he managed to get around the streets of Croatia on his own.
He almost didn’t even look like a dog. He looked more like a tiny monstrous creature.
But thanks to a little bit of TLC, Frodo looks like a completely different dog. If you looked at pictures of him from then and now, you would never ever guess that it was the same dog.

Frodo was found by some good samaritans who brought him to animal rescuer Klaudija Sigurnjak for help, according to The Dodo.
Sigurnjak is a veteran animal rescuer but even she was shocked to see the condition this poor little pup was in.
“I was stunned. I could hardly believe it was really a dog,” Sigurnjak told The Dodo. “I immediately set about rescuing him.”

But Frodo was in good hands now and his life was about to take a drastic change for the better. First his rescuers had to gain Frodo’s trust and did so with some food.
Next was to get Frodo some medical attention.
The veterinarian discovered that Frodo had a terrible eye infection that had gotten so bad that his right eye needed to be removed. His other eye could be salavaged so he would only be partially blind.

But his eye was the least of his problems. Frodo was so unhealthy that they weren’t sure whether he’d live.
“He was full of fleas and ticks, and starved to the bone,” Sigurnjak said. “We were not sure whether or not he’d survive.”
But Frodo had the will to live and pulled through.
Over the next few months he would make a radical transformation. He was free of parasites and started to gain weight.

His mange went away and his hair started to grow in.
Sigurnjak was stunned to see how much Frodo has changed.
“His transformation was phenomenal,” Sigurnjak said. “We never dreamt that he would be so beautiful.”

Can you believe how beautiful this little guy turned out to be?! And all thanks to a little love!
Now Frodo was healthy enough to be put up for adoption and his photos were placed online.
Marko Duspara and his wife saw Frodo’s pictures, heard his story, and fell head over heels for this adorably “spoiled” pup.
One eyed Frodo being too cute not to cuddle
byu/markodus inaww
“I honestly can’t imagine what happened to him back then. I am thankful to everyone who helped him be saved,” Duspara told The Dodo.
“He is now a happy dog that knows he is loved and that if he plays his cards right he will get whatever he wants.”

Now Frodo couldn’t be more loved in his healthy and happy home where he gets all the food and cuddles that he wants. Thanks to people like Sigurnjak, dogs like Frodo are given a second chance at life.
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