As awareness of puppy mills and other inhumane breeding practices have spread around the internet, pet adoption has become more and more prevalent. Still, the adoption process may still not be what everyone expects. Although the common image we have of a dog is likely one we’ve seen on TV. In reality, shelter dogs often come from very rough backgrounds and may be missing body parts or have scars. Despite whatever damage they may have accrued, though, they are no less beautiful or lovable. And one photographer set out to prove that with a collection of adorable dog portraits of shelter dogs.
The photo collection was taken by Alex Cearns, an animal photographer based out of Perth, Australia.
Cearns is the founder of Houndstooth Studio, a photo studio and collective dedicated to taking exceptional animal photography. Her collection focused on rescue dogs is titled Perfect Imperfection: Dog Portraits of Resilience and Love, and it depicts a wide range of shelter dogs, many of whom are dismembered or disabled in some way. Cearns pictures are sure to touch your heart.
Without further ado, here are 20 of the best shots from her collection.
1. This Bali Pip who was suffering from mange.

2. This dog’s name is Vegemite and he only has one eye.

3. This little guy’s name is Jakk and he was born with malformed front legs.

4. Raul even has a little stroller to help him wheel himself along.

5. Lady Bug may be blind but she’s also super adorable.

6. Bandit got hurt during an acid attack but he has still has plenty of charm to spare.

7. Mya is a blind husky with the cutest smile you’ve ever seen.

8. Jessie doesn’t have her back legs anymore but it clearly doesn’t seem to bother her.

9. Ruben and Keisha are also just as optimistic as ever!

10. These two puppies were also struggling with mange, but at least they have each other.

11. Aryah got his face mushed while he was in the womb as a puppy but now it just looks like he’s winking at us.

12. Dot only has one eye also but she makes up for it with her curious personality.

13. Scrappy had both of his eyes taken out as well.

14. Same with Louie, but he’s still just as cute as ever.

15. Hannah is a three-legged greyhound who takes plenty of time to just lounge around these days.

16. Savannah is a Rottweiler who had to have a leg implant after losing part of it to cancer!

17. Another dog from Bali had only three legs but looks as thoughtful as ever in this shot.

18. Barbara suffered from animal abuse that left her head in a strange shape—but she’s bounced back as happy as ever.

19. Snoopy is another three-legged dog who doesn’t seem to have a care in the world.

20. Last but not least, Spike may have mange but he still knows how to take a dashing photograph.

Above all, Cearns’ photographs look beyond the exterior and show the inner light and dignity that all these animals share. Collections like these remind us that beauty is not just skin deep—and resilience is just as important as any other quality.
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