Dogs are adopted and returned every day, and those are just the lucky ones.
Some dogs are bought, adopted, or born and never make it to a shelter. They are dumped along a road somewhere and left to fend for themselves. Many people think that because dogs are animals, they can just find food and water in the middle nowhere.

In many states, it’s illegal to dump dogs, and no matter what, it’s morally wrong.
There are too many rescues, shelters, and dog pounds around for anyone to ever have to leave a dog alone and scared somewhere. Yet, people still continue to dump dogs.
One good Samaritan recently videotaped a woman dropping off two dogs in a vacant lot in San Antonio, Texas. The good Samaritan had the car, license plate number, and more, and she shared it, hoping someone would identify the woman dumping the dogs. It worked, and the woman eventually came clean about it.

The video shows a car pulling up to a vacant lot and a woman getting out of the passenger’s seat.
She then coaxes four dogs out of the back of the car. Once she gets them all out, she jumps back in the car and the driver speeds away.
It’s a heartbreaking video to watch, and you can tell that the dogs are confused and scared. They can’t imagine why their owner would just leave them there. The person recording the video even tells the woman she shouldn’t leave them there. She tells her to take them to Animal Care Services and explains that she can surrender them for free and with no questions asked. She goes on to explain that there is a fine for dumping the dogs, but the other woman doesn’t seem to care.

The woman making the video didn’t stop when recording the crime; she decided to help the abandoned dogs.
She called Animal Care Services and left a message telling them what had happened and where they could find the dogs. A team of officers went to the scene and found the dogs there.
They were able to successfully capture three of them and bring them to the shelter, where they could get food, water, and medical care if necessary. The dogs will also have a chance to be adopted by a loving family who won’t abandon them or dump them off somewhere like their previous owner.

They were unable to get the fourth dog, but they were worried about it.
They planned to continue to hunt for it. In the meantime, they posted photos of the rescued dogs, as well as the video the good Samaritan had captured. The post was shared hundreds of times, and eventually, the woman who abandoned the dogs saw it.

She turned herself in and even went back and collected the fourth dog and brought it to the shelter.
Animal Care Services now has an open investigation into the case, and charges might be pressed against the woman who dumped the dogs. Abandoning an animal is considered a class A misdemeanor in Texas. She could face charges for each dog she abandoned. She will likely end up with a hefty fine and might even serve time in jail.

Thanks to the woman who videotaped the dogs being dropped off and called to get them help, these dogs are all in a safe place.
Soon, they will be posted for adoption. Hopefully, they can find forever homes with people who give them lots of love and affection. They deserve to know they are safe and not have to worry about being left alone again. Their previous owner deserves to be punished and will hopefully learn her lesson.
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