It’s no secret that cats and dogs have a rivalry going on for the top spot as the best household pet. And this animosity can become even more pronounced if they happen to share the same home.
These pet parents have certainly seen their fair share of cat vs. dog showdowns. Here are 75 of our favorites:
#1 Charlie doesn’t like Dusk
Although they have a reputation as easy-going creatures, dogs can be jealous ones as well, especially when their rival gets more of their owner’s attention. Here’s to hoping that Dusk used his feline skills to outsmart determined Charlie.

Jacinda Klein via Facebook
#2 I sits
Likewise, cats can show their jerk side as well. They can be pretty subtle with it, though. They might not resort to chasing their canine counterparts, but they will always find simpler ways to mess with them.

heatmizuh via Reddit
#3 Worst joke ever
Any guesses about what joke Maui told his buddy, Buster? Perhaps we’ll never know, but we’re pretty sure it’s something pretty bad judging from his reaction.

adamsblueguitar via Reddit
#4 Extra soft
So, apparently, not-so-little Kobol here just decided to sit on poor Cedric out of the blue. And the more interesting part is that the latter just let him be.

ChaosKirin via DeviantArt
#5 Not about size
This feisty cat may only be a mere six pounds, but that won’t stop her from letting the dog know who’s boss around here. Just look at the resignation on the poor pup’s face.

shanananabatmayne via Imgur
#6 You shall not pass!
These two are still in the getting to know you stage, and this is proof of it. The dog really needs to get outside, but the cat won’t let her pass.

Xcheryl22x via Reddit
#7 New housemate
This pet owner’s friend just got a new puppy, and this is how his cats reacted to the ‘good’ news. They clearly aren’t really one for sharing affection.

pantsme via Reddit
#8 Still getting used to his new friend
This puppy may be new to the household, but he already seems over the antics of his new friend. Cats can be so dramatic sometimes.

bwalk2121 via Reddit
#9 The real boss around here
This poor pup couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him. The cat just made him wait to eat until after she finished.

Fatterpilot5 via Reddit
#10 No energy to argue
This kitty wins this round. Our poor little guy was just too exhausted to even argue to get his bed back.

LtWeirdBeard via Reddit
#11 Staring contest
Meeting for the first time, these two immediately proceeded to have a staring contest. And although it only lasted ten minutes, they’ve probably properly sized each other up.

bellacato via Reddit
#12 Caught in the act
Awww…this pup just got caught sitting on a bed that isn’t his, and now he’s trying his best to avoid making eye contact with the cat. Can you blame him, though?

HSharpest via Reddit
#13 Kung Fu cat
This cat may think that he’s got the best Kung Fu skills, but he can only practice them on the dog when he’s asleep. It would be interesting to see how he’ll react when his sleeping friend wakes up and fights back.

MontyNSafi via Reddit
#14 The dog ‘walker’
This kitty is sure pleased with himself after discovering that he can control the dog by using his harness. We’re not sure how the dog feels about it.

DeanTrista via Reddit
#15 Find another way
This may be a total jerk move, but you have to admire the boldness this cat has for taking on dogs more than twice her size. She made the decision, and these pups aren’t going past her!

Susan via LifeWithCatsAndDogs
#16 Love-hate relationship
This adorable German Shepherd has grown to love his new sibling. Unfortunately, the feeling isn’t mutual.

lovepink82407 via Reddit
#17 Act of protest
This is how this pet owner’s cats reacted when they brought in the new dog. And it looks like they’re planning to camp out there until they get what they want.

SloightlyOnTheHuh via Reddit
#18 Stair troll
Cats really have a thing for blocking their dog siblings from using the stairs. Maybe they know that their canine counterparts aren’t as nimble as them to find other ways around?

_dear_ms_leading_ via Reddit
#19 This is my bed now
This dog still seems stunned that the kitty had the audacity to steal his bed. Worse, the latter doesn’t look like he’s one to share.

Dani901 via Reddit
#20 If looks could kill
Felines have mastered the art of passive aggression. Case in point is this fluffy fellow who follows the new puppy around only to glare at her.

fast18 via Reddit
#21 It’s been a year
Here’s another great example. It’s been a year, and she still does this to her canine sibling.

Dr_Freeman_ via Reddit
#22 Leave me alone!
Dogs can be too affectionate for their feline counterparts. And when they refuse to leave their sensitive sibling alone, things can get heated quickly.

chriss880 via Imgur
#23 Just chilling
We bet this has happened so many times that the cat now feels resigned to his fate. They both look pretty chill, though.

puxatawneypeg via Reddit
#24 Big baby
This was the moment when a pet owner realized she can never get a cat because her 100-pound dog is just terrified of them for some reason. We bet that cat is feeling pretty good about himself.

wellblessyourheart via Imgur
#25 Pleased with himself
If you look closely, this sneaky dalmatian is hiding a pretty nefarious secret underneath him. Poor kitty, he becomes, quite literally, the butt of jokes in his own home.

Mrbooray via Reddit
#26 Is this a trap?
We bet this isn’t the first time this scaredy pup was tricked by his sibling. So, we can’t really blame him if he thinks everything is a trap.

benja_jammin via Instagram
#27 That’s not the litter!
Here’s to hoping this was really just an honest mistake on the part of this cute cat. We gotta say, that tray of dog food has a slight resemblance to kitty litter.

Mrbooray via Reddit
#28 So dramatic
This pet owner is still hopeful that his little family’s future photos will turn out better than this one. He just needs to get his cat to be less dramatic.

jreed910 via Instagram
#29 This is his life now…
Newman sure doesn’t look pleased that the cat got to his food before him. And he’s slowly realizing that this might be what his life will be like from now on.

Funholiday via Reddit
#30 They know who is boss
Getting married to a person with pets of their own means winning their love, too. But things get harder when the pets themselves can’t get along with each other.

fgben via Reddit
#31 Proving stereotypes correct
Dogs are really affectionate creatures. Unfortunately, he’s stuck with your stereotypical moody cat, who doesn’t seem to care for him at all.

irereddit via Reddit
#32 Too nice to fight
Another stereotype about dogs is that they’re too nice. Case in point is this considerate pup who let his sibling take his bed.

ashli10190 via Reddit
#33 Showing who is alpha
Cali, the calico cat, shows he’s alpha by stepping on his brother’s water bowl. It’s a rather mean move coming from such an adorable looking creature.

zmatera via Reddit
#34 Turning tables
See how the tables have turned. Dawn, the cat, is certainly wondering what her brothers are up to sitting on top of the stairs like that.

CompletelySusan via Reddit
#35 No care in the world
This bulldog was so happy to get his own house until his brother laid a claim to it. Not cool.

unducked via Reddit
#36 First photo together
This is what happens when you introduce a dog to a new kitten for the first time. Believe it or not, this photo is actually the best one out of the lot.

Whatathought via Reddit
#37 Attack on kitty
Poor kitty is always ganged up on by his goofy brothers. He doesn’t seem to be too mad about it, though, and just plays along.

loopdeloop via Reddit
#38 No longer the baby
We know exactly why this cat is not-so-happy with his new sibling. Now that there’s a cuter pet around, he wouldn’t be getting as many cuddles as he used to.

Dash_Underscore via Reddit
#39 A not-so-happy family
The family Christmas photo sure would’ve turned out better if the kids behaved themselves to get a good shot. But the holidays aren’t enough for this pup to put differences aside, it seems.

dcraig814 via Reddit
#40 Worst birthday ever
It’s his party, and he’ll cry if he wants to…because his brother just ate his birthday cake. The poor birthday boy looks like he’s in utter disbelief.

JayboDaHo via Reddit
#41 Caught in the crossfire
This pet owner got caught in the middle of a staring contest when his girlfriend’s dog met his cat for the first time. Is it too late to back out of the relationship now?

Classic_Alice via Reddit
#42 Be very afraid
We can’t blame this dog for being extra cautious. Living with an angry cat is a seriously risky business.

SerCornballer via Reddit
#43 Here to stay
It hasn’t been a full day yet, and this kitty is already asking his owners if the pup is staying for good. Just look at those pleading eyes!

lz49 via Reddit
#44 Terrifying situation
Sometimes the new animals in the house are just too frightening to handle. Apparently, this is especially true when they’re cute and fluffy kittens.

hipster007 via Reddit
#45 Big baby
At 85 pounds, this golden retriever is definitely a big baby. He’s totally freaked out about a 1.5-pound foster kitten.

idkbruhlifesucks via Reddit
#46 Getting warm
Artie isn’t about to leave his warm and cozy spot near the fireplace. Yep. Not even at the protests of a very mad cat.

Arterially via Reddit
#47 First meeting
First meetings can be tough for polar opposites. Case in point, this dog is already starting to get clingy with his new sibling, who doesn’t seem to be too pleased with what’s happening.

RobbMcCormick via Reddit
#48 That’s dangerous!
He’s just worried that his sibling will fall in the toilet. Unfortunately, we have a feeling the cat would just end up angry that the little guy bit his tail.

naturally_confused via Reddit
#49 Take on someone your own size
He may be the biggest one around, but that doesn’t mean he’s the most mature. And his siblings know this well.

TheHoliestMacaroni via Reddit
#50 Look at me when I talk to you
Dogs are usually happy-go-lucky creatures, but they can get irritable sometimes too. Especially when their annoying sibling starts acting up again.

organic_earthling via Reddit
#51 Explain yourself!
Oh no! We wonder what this pup could’ve done to anger the cats this bad. He must’ve messed with the catnip.

flutexgirl via Reddit
#52 I can’t believe you did that
This poor pup couldn’t believe that his sibling just gave him the scare of his life. No wonder he immediately proceeded to sulk in a corner.

hgbleackley via Reddit
#53 Besties take a selfie
We bet this could be turned into a funny sitcom about polar opposite roommates and their journey to get along. Of course, we all know by now that the dog is the fun one in this case.

Sayruhh08 via Reddit
#54 Not as expected
When this pet owner brought in the new cat, they worried that he would be afraid of his new canine big sister. As it turns out, it’s her who needs adjusting.

juu-arts via Tumblr
#55 Monsters on the bed
It looks like there really aren’t real monsters hiding under the bed. That’s because they’ve gotten on it to terrorize this little pup.

SlimJones123 via Reddit
#56 The look of determination
Awww…since his new buddy doesn’t trust him yet, this dog keeps on waiting outside for the cat to come out to win him over. Here’s to hoping they eventually become the best of friends.

flyingsamovar via Reddit
#57 Showing who is the alpha
It’s not about who is the biggest in this house, it seems. This brave cat eating his siblings’ food certainly thinks so.

Sublimebro via Reddit
#58 Wake up!
This little kitty is determined not to let his brother have some peace. Yep, even to the point of disturbing his snooze time.

LoreSupervisor via Reddit
#59 Getting revenge
We wonder what this cat could’ve done for this cute pup to take revenge on him. We also wonder if he knows the puppy won’t always remain that small.

Leah Forde via YouTube
#60 I got your back!
They may all be siblings, but it’s pretty clear there’s some favoritism going on here. Through good and bad, the cats stick together it seems.

catdog_luv via Instagram
#61 Too old for this
Older cats can take a longer time to adjust to changes in the household. This 8-year-old kitty reacted like this to his new dog brother.

roobiscube via Reddit
#62 One feisty cat
You’ll never guess why this 80-pound dog just jumped up onto his owner’s lap. Believe it or not, he’s afraid of being cat-slapped.

articulateantagonist via Reddit
#63 Identify the bully
This picture really shows you which of these cuties is the real bully, huh? Hopefully, the cat eases up eventually so they can finally play with that ball together.

brown2hm via Reddit
#64 Kitty uppercut
This sure looks like a scene straight out of a movie. And it looks like this pet owner is having fun capturing the action movie scenes in their backyard.

Ninja M. via Flickr
#65 Testing the waters
This pet owner was planning to adopt a dog and borrowed his neighbor’s to see if the cats would get used to him. Safe to say, there’s much more work to be done before a new sibling can join this family.

princesskittysaviofr via Imgur
#66 Soon…
Look at how cute little Gillie is! Too bad her sibling isn’t a big fan of her, judging from that sneaky glare.

HallahFin via Reddit
#67 Things didn’t go as planned
The dog meeting the cat for the first time didn’t go well. This dog’s disappointed face and nose scar are proof.

nutri via Reddit
#68 You came to the wrong neighborhood
It’s the battle of the cute baby pets. Too bad for this pup, he’s very much outnumbered.

koodie25 via Reddit
#69 Something isn’t right here
So, these little guys were found in this suspicious situation. Hmmm…whatever could they have been up to before getting caught?

Pippi111 via Reddit
#70 Blended family
Adjusting to a new living situation is hard. Hopefully, this couple can eventually teach the little ones to get along.

shinypup via Reddit
#71 Help me!
This pet owner’s fiancé just got done moving in with him, but it looks like her pet is ready to move out. Can you blame him, though? Those cats don’t look like they welcomed him with open arms at all.

aoisensh via Reddit
#72 Worst day ever
Kick a boy when he’s already down, why don’t you? We hope things have begun to look up for this poor dog after this.

belhavenbes via Reddit
#73 This is my dog now
This pet owner now realizes his mistake in getting a dog. Now, his cat owns the poor pup, and he can do nothing about it.

Logic007 via Reddit
#74 I don’t approve of this
Judging from these photos, this cat is one of those felines who vehemently disapprove of affection. Too bad he belongs to a really touchy, feely family now.

nanatalada via Reddit
#75 All for show
This is a before and after picture of a dog when he realizes that somebody’s watching him and the cat. Maybe he thinks he’s sneaky.

kansa2 via Reddit
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