Who said cats and dogs don’t get along? Well, most people, but let us tell you that this is not true. There might be that old saying “They fight like cats and dogs”, but this is not necessarily the best description of the relationship between the two species.

Dogs are pack animals, as we know, and this means that they want to belong. Their groups may consist of other dogs, humans or even cats. On the other hand, cats are known to be lonely creatures, independent and hard to reach emotionally, so one would think that the two species are not likely to get along with each other.
However, this is not entirely true. Although it is accurate that the two “speak different languages” in a way, they can communicate. While growls and hisses have the same meaning for both species, tail wags and roll-overs have different interpretations for each. More specifically, as we all know, tail wags for dogs mean they are happy, while cats show the exact opposite- they’re angry. Respectively, roll-overs for dogs mean they are ready for belly rubs and snuggles, while for cats it is a defensive position.

The above differences, if misinterpreted during the cat-dog “conversation” can end up in major fights and trauma for the participants who will avoid the other species from then on based on this negative experience.
However, things in many cases can work out very well, especially if the two are introduced to each other at an early age. Research has shown that, ideally, socialization between cats and dogs should take place when the puppy is between 8 and 16 weeks old, while for kittens it is 6 to 12 weeks. A positive experience between the two at such an early stage of life can end up with the two of them being best friends… like the cuties in the video that follows.

In the video, we can see a golden retriever puppy playing with a small kitten and the two of them don’t show any signs of discomfort or irritation. On the contrary, they seem to enjoy each other’s company and being very comfortable with each other’s presence.

The puppy is licking the kitten and looks ready to play with it, while the kitten is not quite sure what is going on, but it still follows the puppy in its play, walks around it and rubs on him. One can’t get enough of the other- the kitten can’t help smelling his new friend, while the puppy is constantly licking his new friend and wants to get him to play with him.

The heartwarming video has gone viral with more than 6M views and 90K upvotes. It also received hundreds of comments about how cute the two friends are.
“The golden retriever puppy licking the kitten says-I don’t know what kind of being you are, but I love you anyway,” someone wrote, while someone else commented: “it’s strange how the entire days’ stress can just go away in 59 seconds.”
Indeed, the video made our day, too. You can watch it below.
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