When a man saw a pitbull in trouble, he knew who to call.
Day after day, a neighbor saw this dog hanging out in the field next to his house. Finally, he just had to take matters into his own hands and he sent an email to Hope For Paws, a non-profit animal rescue organization.
He told the rescue organization, which is known for helping animals suffering on the streets or in the wild, that a very obviously pregnant pitbull needed their help.

Where have you been?
Hope For Paws did not waste any time and quickly sent a couple of volunteers to check out the situation. As you can see in this video, as the volunteers get out of the vehicle, the pitbull comes walking right up to them, as if she’s been waiting for their arrival.
My heroes.

All alone, cold, and with an empty stomach, this pitbull mama-to-be is so trusting of the volunteers and seems to be begging them to help her. She is eager to leave her dire situation and gets into their vehicle with no hesitations.

Waffles is the name chosen for this pitbull by the staff at Hope For Paws. As soon as Waffles arrives, she is cleaned up and prepped for an ultrasound so that the veterinarians can determine a possible due date.
Even though she’s nervous, this lady pitbull remains calm and trusting even as she arrives at the rescue center.

Say “cheese!”
As soon as Waffles is cleaned up, the exam begins. This silly pitbull is so grateful for the help and so proud that she’s about to be a mama, that she literally smiles at the vet who is assessing her.
Waffles cannot wipe the smile off her face as the ultrasound reveals that she is indeed going to be giving birth very soon, most likely within the next 10 days, they suspect.

Let’s go home and rest.
One of the amazing members of Hope For Paws decides to take Waffles home with her so that the poor pitbull can finally get some rest.
Just in the knick of time
That neighbor who set of this whole series of events could not have timed his email any better. That very same night, after all of her care, Waffles gives birth.

She waited until rescued to give birth.
Waffles gave birth to her full litter with no complications. What a great Mother’s Day for this pitbull! Watching Waffles’s mothering instinct kick in, especially after knowing what she had been going through, is so heartwarming.
Hope For Paws.
This non-profit animal rescue located in Los Angeles has a mission to rescue as many animals as possible that are in helpless situations and to stop animal abuse through education.

According to their Facebook page, as the world is still reeling from this pandemic, times are really tough for Hope For Paws too. Facing more rescues than ever, and at least 10 complicated surgeries a week, the vet bills are piling up quicker than the donations are coming in.
Thank you, Hope For Paws.
Waffles is such a lucky pitbull for being rescued and made to feel safe enough to give birth to this great litter of puppies. If you feel compelled to help them, you can donate on their website or help by sharing their videos and spreading the word of their organization.
Check out the video below to see Waffles’ adorable litter of puppies!
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