In the world of veterinary medicine, one might anticipate encountering a variety of unusual sights, including exotic animals and peculiar behaviors.
However, a veterinary technician engaging in a dance-off with a lamb is likely not on that list.
This unexpected spectacle unfolded at the Longview Animal Care and Adoption Center, where a vet tech named Erin has formed a unique bond with a little lamb named Ursula, reminiscent of the nursery rhyme, “Mary Had a Little Lamb.”

The connection between Erin and Ursula is so strong that the little lamb follows her around the center every day.
On one particular day, the center’s director, Chris Kemper, noticed Ursula joyfully prancing behind another vet tech, Nina Allen.
Struck by the adorable sight, he decided to capture the moment on camera.

The resulting video is a delightful display of Nina and Ursula engaging in a playful dance-off.
They take turns leaping into the air and kicking their feet, clearly enjoying their shared moment.
As the rest of the shelter staff watched and laughed, Nina and Ursula continued their jovial dance down the hallway.
“She’s like a puppy, but she gets excited and she starts jumping,” Kemper described Ursula’s behavior.

The video, shot in slow motion, accentuates the pair’s synchronized dance moves, including jumps, skips, and turns.
It’s evident that Ursula is having the time of her life, and Nina seems to be thoroughly enjoying the experience as well.
Kemper decided to share the video on the shelter’s Facebook page, thinking it would provide a bit of amusement for their followers.
“Our thought was, ‘Let’s just post this,'” Kemper said.
“It will make some people laugh.”
They never anticipated the response that was to follow.

The video quickly gained traction online, amassing nearly three million views by the following day.
It had gone viral, capturing the attention of people around the globe and even attracting the interest of major news outlets who reached out to the shelter.
The video’s popularity continued to skyrocket.
Ursula, with her trendy dance moves, has undoubtedly become an internet sensation.

The shelter staff, while thrilled with the attention, are more excited about the potential impact this could have on their mission.
They hope that the increased visibility will inspire people to visit the shelter and consider adopting an animal.
“We want people in driving distance — Shreveport, Tyler, Dallas, wherever — we want them to think, ‘Wow, I’m going to drive to that facility because they care about what they’re doing,'” Kemper expressed.

As for Ursula, she remains blissfully unaware of her newfound fame.
She continues to happily recreate her dance routine with Nina, even for larger news networks.
The viral sensation doesn’t know she’s a star; she’s just delighted to be dancing with the people she loves.
The staff at the Longview Animal Care and Adoption Center encourage everyone to share Ursula’s story, spreading joy and promoting the cause of animal adoption.
Wath the hilariously adorable moment in the video below!
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