Rocket is a cute little kitty that was born without his hind legs. You’d think this would cause some severe issues for the cat, as cats tend to move and jump around quite a lot. However, Rocket’s name is most certainly suitable as he can move and jump around with amazing agility.
Mareen is an animal rescuer from Berlin, Germany and once noticed a very small adorable kitten in a back yard. The cat was domesticated, was afraid of humans and quite timid.
“He was born with two legs. The first day I saw him, he was probably a few weeks old and very shy,” she said.

Mareen tried to approach the cat, but she didn’t expect him to move so quickly. He managed to get away, but Mareen had a plan to meet the kitten once again.

She came back to the same spot and brought more cat food. The two kept meeting and interacting with each other and Mareen could feel that he was opening up to her a little bit more every time. It didn’t take very long before they bonded and she took him home and gave him the suitable name ‘Rocket’.

They day Mareen took him in, Rocket still needed some time to adjust. “He meowed all night long, but I kept him company and talked to him,” she said. Luckily, Rocket truly opened himself up and quickly befriended Mareen’s other cats Flint and Gürchken, two British shorthairs. “He is a little fighter and cheeky to the other cats, but they come along very well.”

Rocket runs around the house all day and manages to never get tired. “I even think he has more energy than the older ones.”

The adorable and happy little kitten followed her everywhere and – in true cat fashion – demanded a ton of belly rubs from his owner.

Mareen and other rescuers are still amazed at the fact that Rocket moves just as fast – if not faster – than other cats of his age. The little kitten seems to use its tail as leverage to maintain his balance while walking on his two front legs.

“He is perfectly capable of climbing, jumping and running.” If you didn’t know any better, you’d think nothing was wrong with Rocket at all.

The little kitten has his first birthday coming up in May and has lived with Mareen and her cats for almost a year now. One thing is for sure: Rocket never ceases to amaze.
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