Baby otters are some of the cutest animals on the planet. These sweet little animals are full of energy, and they love playing together and running around. The sweet creatures also make absolutely adorable squealing noises. Truly, there’s nothing not to love about baby otters!

Baby otters are also cute when they’re eating, as this fun video shows. The video was taken by Frank Cuesta, who owns a large animal preserve. For over fifteen years, Frank has been rescuing all kinds of animals from animal traffickers. He has taken in over 6,000 animals, including these two baby otters.
This adorable video of the otters begins with Frank letting the little animals out of their enclosure in the morning. The rambunctious otters are thrilled to see Frank.

As the otters play, Frank explains that he’s feeding them a mixture of milk and cat food. As he puts the meal together, he has to frequently stop to tell the otters to stop horsing around.
Finally, the food is ready and the otters happily dig into the meal. As they eat, they continue squealing and squeaking in an adorable way. The otters are clearly enjoying their meal!

Frank kept the cute otters at the preserve for three months before releasing them into the wild. Thanks to Frank, these otters will have wonderful lives. Check out the video below, and get ready to laugh at the otters’ antics!
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[Source: Frank Cuesta- Canal YouTube]