Siblings are some of the best friends we will have in this life. Sure, sometimes they get on our nerves or take our things, but in the end, they always have your back, and when the going gets tough, you know they’ll be around to help you. Sadly, not everyone has been blessed with a sibling in this life— but that doesn’t mean you’re out of luck. Simply take a tip from Ace and his big brother Puma, the pair of “brothers” who have devoted their lives to each other.
Dallas English and his family decided to adopt Puma the cat 10 long years ago. At the time, he was the only child of the house— but after 10 years, the family got a new addition in the form of Baby Ace.
When Baby Ace was born, he was a tiny little fellow. In fact, Puma was about twice Ace’s size when the baby entered the world. These differences didn’t stop them from falling in love though.
Since entering this world, Ace has fallen head-over-heels for his furry bodyguard brother. As you can see, Puma feels the same way, allowing Ace to snuggle and cuddle him whenever he gets the chance.
Before Ace came around, Puma used to sleep at the edge of his parents’ bed to keep them company.
Now that he has a little brother to protect though, you can often find him snuggling right beside his beloved Ace.
It didn’t take long for Puma and Ace to become inseparable. The big, friendly tabby constantly follows the baby around, completely content to be right by his side. Ace, for his part, is equally as smitten with Puma, smothering him with endless love and kisses whenever the cat is within reach.
Nowadays, Ace has started to catch up to his big brother’s size. In fact, these days you would assume he’s the older brother, instead of the other way around. In spite of this newfound change, everything else is the same. Puma and Ace still spend every waking moment together, cuddling and sharing their brotherly love. As they’ve grown, they’ve even started to partake in similar interests— mainly in regards to playing and treats.
At the end of a long play session, there’s nothing these two love more than snuggling up for a well-deserved nap.
And if that’s not adorable, then I don’t know what is!
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