When Winston never returned back from an outdoor walk, his humans never thought they’d see him again. But they did.
There would be 15 years that would pass, but eventually, their beloved cat would be returned.
Janet Barnes told Telegraph that the outdoor black cat went missing shortly after she moved in with her husband Pete Barnes in 2002.
Winston would often go outside by himself, however, Janet believes that the move probably caused him to become confused and disappear. Winston had a microchip but was never located until 15 years later.

And no one knew what became of him or where he had gone the entire time he was gone.
“We have no idea where he’s been all these years, I thought he must have been living with someone else, but when he was found staggering through the road he was extremely frail,” Pete told Telegraph.
Winston was found in Launceston by some customers of Castle Veterinary Group who brought him to a veterinary hospital which happened to be about 35 miles from Janet’s home.
The vets were able to trace Winston’s microchip and contact Janet.
“He was in a real state when he got to the vets, they said his fur was all matted,” Pete explained. “Luckily Winston has a microchip so they could trace him to us. I really believe that the microchip saved his life. Without it, in his condition and at his age I think Winston would have faced euthanasia.”

The folks at the veterinary clinic were also shocked by the story.
“We get dogs and cats that have been separated from their owners on a regular basis, but none that have been gone for as long as Winston,” Castle Veterinary Group’s Practice Manager Steve Cox said. “We don’t know how he managed to make the epic journey from St. Austell to Launceston. We are urging all owners to get their animals microchipped, it’s inexpensive and painless, and can help you be reunited with your lost pet.”
The family is overjoyed to have Winston home and Winston is happy to be home.
Janet first got Pete when he was just a year old, he is now believed to be around 17-years-old. He is reacquainting himself with his home and is getting used to Janet and Pete’s rescue dog.
“To be honest it’s just unbelievable. It really is so lovely to have him back,” Pete told The Telegraph.
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