When you don’t have much money, you need to find ways to entertain yourself. Whether it’s creating silly little games or exercising, people can get creative when there isn’t much to do. As a child, my friends and I used to spend our evenings creating silly races. Then, when the race was over, the winner would get to make the next one.
Like humans, cats can come up with some pretty clever ways of entertaining themselves when they get bored. And one photographer, Nyan Kichi, was there to capture it firsthand.
Kichi is a Japanese photographer and devoted cat lover. He often spends his free time wandering his hometown and interacting with the various stray kitties that he meets. While Kichi spoils the felines with love and treats, he often takes their picture. He then shares the photos on his Instagram account.
After realizing that Kichi was a loyal friend, the stray cats began warming up to him. They often hang out in a spot with a bunch of drain pipes, and they have fun vying for his attention with impressive tricks and leaps.
Because the strays don’t have fancy toys to keep them entertained, they’ve developed their own little game which consists of jumping in and out of the holes.
But these cats don’t simply jump in and out— they give it their all, with the dedication of seasoned Olympian athletes.
These Japanese felines just looove jumping around and showing off for their human friend. They never seem to get tired of exploring the many circular tunnels the area has to offer.
The cats do their best to out-jump their kitty friends…
Who watch raptly, ready with tips and pointers.
“Did you see that jump?!”
After a long session of jumping and fun, the kitties stop to take a break.
But they can never stay away for long!
Once in a while, then they get really lucky, even Kichi joins in on the fun!
It’s so adorable to see these cats fly around like little athletes, gracefully plunking themselves down into their beloved tunnels.
Even though the kitties don’t have nice, expensive toys, it clearly hasn’t stopped them from having fun. And thankfully for us, Kichi is there to capture these moments and share them with the world.
Check out his Instagram for other cute kitty photos like this!
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