There’s just something about cockatoos that makes them so loveable. Cockatoos are intelligent, playful, mischievous, and often loud- so they’re a perfect companion for those who live alone and are in need of the company.
These birds also thrive off human interaction and get depressed if they don’t receive enough affection. So if you thought it was just dogs who love a good cuddle, then think again!
With a cockatoo, you’ll never feel like you’re alone.

Cockatoos are also hugely entertaining and love nothing more than a good boogie. And if you’re looking for a way to improve your mood, trust us when we say that a video of a dancing cockatoo should always do the trick.
When we came across a video titled, “I AM the dancing queen! Too bad mom had to start laughing and ruin my spotlight!” posted by Griffi The Dancing Cockatoo, we already knew that it was going to be comedy gold.

The video has over 1.4 million views from people all over the world, making Griffi the cockatoo an online superstar!
In the hilarious video, Griffi bops her head in time to the beat of ABBA’s song “Dancing Queen,” and you can tell that she’s having the time of the life.

The only problem is that mom keeps laughing- and it’s cramping her style!
Griffi squarks a few times in an attempt to shush her mom, and that seems to do the trick! She can then get back into her groove again.
This video is guaranteed to put a smile on your face! Take a look at Griffi’s superb dancing below.
So why do cockatoos love to dance so much? Apparently, it’s all down to the brain’s auditory-motor connections. A study by The Science Of Migratory Birds found that cockatoos actually process music in a similar way to us humans!
“Spontaneous movement to music occurs in every human culture and is a foundation of dance,” the study, published in Current Biology, said.
Such movement “occurs in parrots, perhaps because they (like humans, and unlike monkeys) are vocal learners whose brains contain strong auditory-motor connections,” which gives sophisticated processing abilities.

You might also be wondering why Griffi looks a little different to other cockatoos.
These birds are known for their gorgeous white and yellow feathers, but while Griffi has a head full of white feathers, she seems to be naked from the waist down.

After people began to ask questions about Griffi’s different apperance, her mom addressed them in a video titled, “A little about me for those that have asked.”
“Everybody asks why Griffi looks the way she does,” she said, before explaining. “Griffi had a pretty traumatic life. She’s a rescue bird, and as you can see, she overpreens her feathers and plucks a lot of them out.”

However, despite Griffi’s difficult past, her mom assures everyone that “She’s a pretty happy bird.”
We think Griffi’s happiness is clear to see in her dancing videos!
People took to the comments to express their love for the sweet bird.
“Griffi may lack feathers, she shines in personality,” one person said.

Another added: “Something told me right away she was a rescue bird. It’s obvious she’s now in a place she feels safe and loved.”
“It doesn’t matter what she looks like, she’s happy and loved along with some banging dance moves, I reckon she’s absolutely gorgeous, I love her,” A final person wrote.
We have to agree! Griffi’s adorable personality shines through, and we’re so happy that she’s now thriving in a loving home.
Take a look at the video below to find out more about her.
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