Animals are often weird and hilarious. They do such funny things, and they don’t even realize it.
Our pets always know how to make us laugh!

Often enough, our pets just want to fit in.
Fitting in is something that humans and animals alike strive for.
Humans find safety and identity in the people that we are accepted by! As a result, we do our best to fit in. Remember middle and high school? That was the worst.
As it turns out, animals want to fit in, too!

Have you ever seen your dog do something that it has seen its owners do? Since dogs are so strongly based in community (like humans), they often do things to fit in.
Remember how all our pets do things that crack us up? This is sometimes the cause. They just want to be like us!
One video shows this example but with a different species.

Cockatoos are some of the smartest birds in the world.
They are known for solving puzzles and even talking just like a human! People love to keep them around because of how funny they can be (they are full of personality).
In this home, the cockatoo isn’t alone!

One video uploaded to YouTube shows a family that loves pets.
Alongside their cockatoo, they have a few cats. If you didn’t know, birds and cats don’t always get along that well.
How does a cockatoo fit in with a group that is different than it is?

Mimicking! Remember how a dog will do things to copy its human and better fit into the group?
This cockatoo seems to do the same thing! Since they have such an amazing ability to copy noises, it decides that it’s going to pretend to be a cat.
“In the wild, parrots use their vocal prowess to share important information and fit in with the flock, says Irene Pepperberg, a research associate and part-time lecturer at Harvard.” – Audubon
Walking right up to the cats, the cockatoo starts meowing!

When he starts meowing, odds are that you aren’t going to be able to tell the difference.
It’s done so well that it really sounds like a cat is sitting in the room making the noises!
Strutting around, the meowing bird confuses the cats dreadfully.

As the bird continues to meow, he gets pretty bold and sticks his beak right into their faces to meow at them.
You can almost see in their eyes how confused they are. “This weird feathered thing sounds JUST like me?” By the end of the video, the cats have probably accepted that this “strange white cat” is just a long lost cousin of theirs.
You can visibly see that the cats are a bit freaked out. By the end of the funny scene, this bird seems to have forced his way into the group.
Even though he was an outsider in the beginning, he is one of the family now! He even meows better than a cat!

This Cockatoo is hilarious, and we can’t wait to hear more of his impressions.
Check out the funny cat impression in the video below!
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