The cows in Tom Pemberton’s farm stay inside the barn majority of the year because of the cold weather condition such as winter. So, come springtime and summertime, these babies are finally going to see the outside world!
This is the cows’ situation when it’s wet and cold outside.
Poor little cows, they’re cooped up altogether in this old barn. At least they’re all safe and warm all throughout the winter season.

Meet the 61-year-old barn.
According to Tom, the big and spacious barn was built in 1960, and it was there when they bought the farm. This year, Tom’s planning to knock the oldest shed down to make way for new stalls for all the cows for them to have a better airflow, flexible cow movement, and avoid cow conflict once they’re staying in the shed. Tom wanted the cows to have a harmonious environment to stay in during the cold winter.

Moo! We’re excited to run free!

Look at them waiting excitedly for the gates to be open! Seems that they have found their grass target already!

Let the cow adventure begin!

When Tom opened the gates, all cows ran freely! Everyone’s happy and excited to be out and about after quite some time being locked up in the barn. Hello, Mr. Sun and good old friend grass, these cows missed you so dearly!

Some cows went straight to their favorite cow brush.

Yep, they missed this buddy as well. Look how cute they are taking turns to get brushed. Ahhh, so satisfying!

Everything on this farm is grass-fed.
What’s good about Tom Pemberton’s farm is that you can see how dedicated and hands-on he is to give what’s best for all the animals on the farm. He makes sure that all their needs are met and they are in they’re having the best environment they can live for.

He’s as happy and excited when spring and summertime come because they can allow their cows and lambs to go out and feed on grass. This way, they can produce agricultural products like beef and milk. Yum!
Most of them are grazing away feeling happy and content.
They’ll be out and about during the day and be back in the shed at night. This will go for about three nights until it gets warmer on the farm. Nevertheless, all of the cows are happy and content grazing their way in the grass. Some of them are chilling out and enjoying the outside world feels. It’s the most wonderful time of the year for the cows and Tom’s farm.
Watch the cows’ best day ever by clicking the video below.
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