Quica the Chihuahua is a sweet, friendly animal who loves her parents more than anything. Quica is especially close with her mom, Yvonne.

When Yvonne got pregnant, she and her husband Eddie started worrying about how Quica would react to the baby. Quica was very protective of Yvonne during her pregnancy, and she wouldn’t let anyone get too close to her.
“When my husband Eddie used to touch my bump, Quica would try to protect the bump and would snap at Eddie to get his hand away,” Yvonne told Daily Mail. “As a result of Quica’s protective instinct we had an inclination that she would be excited to meet the precious goods she was so eager to guard.”

When the couple’s son, Nicholas, was born, they learned their prediction was right. Quica adored Nicholas!
Eddie and Yvonne decided to take video of the moment where Nicholas and Quica met for the first time. The heartwarming video begins by showing Eddie holding Nicholas. Quica sits at his feet, tail wagging happily.
Eddie bends down to introduce Quica to Nicholas. Quica immediately rolls on her back, showing her submission to Nicholas.

When Quica rolled onto her back, it became clear to Eddie and Yvonne that Quica loved her new baby brother! Quica stayed on her back as Eddie lowered baby Nicholas down. The little dog sniffed the baby, and her tail kept wagging. She was so happy to spend time with Nicholas!
Yvonne and Eddie were amazed when they saw how motherly Quica is.
“Although Quica has been spayed she demonstrates a remarkable motherly instinct,” Yvonne said.

Nicholas is now about six months old, and Quica is still very protective of him. She often guards his crib while he’s sleeping.
“Quica likes to stand guard by Nicholas’ crib and alerts us when he makes a sound or squeak. She is very gentle and knows not to touch Nicholas, she simply submits in his presence,” Yvonne said.

Yvonne and Eddie also have another Chihuahua, Jose. Jose is a bit warier around Nicholas—he doesn’t guard the baby like Quica. Still, Jose is very gentle with his little brother, and he always makes sure not to touch Nicholas.

Yvonne and Eddie often share videos of Quica and Nicholas to their YouTube page. They shared an adorable video of Quica ‘protecting’ Nicholas from his dad while Nicholas laughed.
Yvonne and Eddie also shared a hilarious video of Quica and Jose dressed up like spiders!
Quica is a sweet, caring dog who loves her baby brother more than anything in the world. If you’d like to see Quica’s incredible reaction to meeting Nicholas for the first time, check out the video below.
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