Every dog owner would love to train their dogs to behave well.

Who doesn’t want one, right? Dogs are playful by nature, and they are cute that way. But there are days you just want them to sit still and behave, which entails a lot of training.
But training a dog is never easy.

It takes a lot of patience, and guidance, too. This YouTuber (@eldermisanthropy22) tried to train his dog and getting help from a lot of sources. He bought this “Guide to a Well-Behaved Dog” just to get him started.
Ironically, his dog tore the book apart.

He took this video on how he came home one day after his class and found his living totally trashed. There were torn pieces of paper all over his living room floor!
But why do dogs have this behavior?

Most dogs chew and bite, but this is most especially because they’re teething. Puppies would bite or chew into anything they see. Just like human babies whose teeth are starting to come out, it hurts their gums, and chewing relieves that.
They also do this when they’re put on a diet.

Some dogs go overweight. Pretty much like humans, they are also advised to go on a bit of a diet and exercise. However, when they’re deprived of food, they chew off things. But for this reason, they only chew those that look or smell like food.
It could also mean they’re stressed, anxious, or simply bored.

Dogs also suffer separation anxiety, and they chew on anything only when you’re away. They also chew when they’re stressed or bored. Like humans, they try to find a way to occupy themselves.
Well… maybe Rev got bored or was experiencing separation anxiety when his hooman was away.

In the video, you’ll see Rev caught by surprise.
His owner walked into the living room to see all the mess.

Probably feeling guilty about what he just did, Rev walked to his owner.
Yeah, he’s acting all cute because he knew what he did!

Rev’s cute antics can’t fool him!
He went over and checked which book Rev tore.

Ironically, it’s a book on how to train a well-behaved dog!
This book by Zak George is a Science-based guide for dog owners on how to correct training problems and end up with a well-behaved dog. Well, maybe Rev disagreed with Zak!
You can hear Rev’s owner may have liked the book.

But with all this mess he witnessed, all he could say was:
“It’s a good book… a good trainer. It’s just working on it… it’s hard.”
Maybe in time, Rev will be a well-behaved dog. His hooman just needs to buy a new copy and “dog-proof” it next time; hide it somewhere Rev couldn’t reach.
But how can you curb this behavior?

The first thing you should do is determine what causes it. Then, address the problem accordingly. Most of the time, you just have to mix up their physical and mental activities. Switch training techniques and playtime routines. Lastly, balance your time between bonding with your pup and giving them their ‘me’ time.

As for Rev? He’ll be a good boy pretty soon, and we’re sure of that.
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