Anyone who is a parent has likely experienced one tantrum during their lifetime. You know how tantrums are: the crying, the screaming, the extreme stubbornness and – if you happen to be in public – the stares from strangers as though you and your child are an exhibit.
Tantrums are just one of the little “joys” that come with the gift of parenting.
If you are the lucky few that have not experienced a tantrum – or otherwise commonly known as a temper tantrum, meltdown or “hissy fit” – congratulations. You are amongst the rare and fortunate.
You’ll know your child or other loved one is having a tantrum if they are being unreasonably stubborn, crying, screaming, defiant, ranting in anger, refuse to calm down, and – rarely – acting out violently.
Hopefully, they aren’t doing all of the above, or acting in that particular order.
Tantrums are not reserved for children alone. Any parents to fur babies such as cats or dogs are also familiar with their darling pet acting out occasionally. Except animals can be a little harder to reason with given the language barrier.
In the funny video below, City the German Shepherd throws a hilariously dramatic fit.

First, he whines, then flops on the ground, and when her owner sassily tells her, “Nobody cares”, he whisks her head dramatically, clearly appalled at the notion that no one cares.
And what inspired City’s dramatic display? The fact that he was told he wouldn’t be going on a walk that day.
Check out the adorable and amusing moment in the short video below.
If you want to see even more fur baby tantrums, check out this husky refusing to leave the park, this dog who demands to ride in Mom’s lap in the car, and this dog who refuses to go to bed when it’s bedtime.
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