In the heart of a serene countryside, a unique bond between humans and a wild animal unfolded, capturing the attention and admiration of millions.
This is the story of Thor, a lone baby deer, and a kind-hearted family who offered him a new lease on life.
The saga began when Dawn and her husband heard a helpless fawn in their yard bleating – and it was clear he needed help.
In fact, the baby deer, who’d lost his mother, even stood on top of Dawn’s husband’s feet.

Understanding the critical balance between nurturing a wild animal and respecting its innate nature, Dawn and her husband were adamant: Thor would not be a pet.
They embarked on a mission to raise him with one goal in mind—to reintegrate him back into the wild.
Their commitment to his well-being was profound, extending to sleeping outside near his enclosure to safeguard him through the night and adhering to a rigorous feeding schedule that demanded attention every three hours.

Thor’s dietary needs were a paramount concern, necessitating a departure from conventional choices like cow’s milk.
Goat’s milk became his lifeline, carefully selected to ensure his growth and development on the path to independence.
This meticulous attention to his nutritional needs underscored the family’s dedication to Thor’s survival and future autonomy in the wild.

As Thor grew, he gradually learned to navigate the complexities of his natural environment, though the bond with his human family remained unbroken.
Remarkably, Thor would respond to their calls, returning from the depths of the wilderness for his bottle of milk.
This routine continued, even as Thor matured and adapted to life beyond the confines of human care.

Now at a few years old, Thor has seamlessly transitioned to life in the wild, yet the invisible threads that tie him to Dawn and her family persist.
The family’s home remains within the bounds of his territory, a place he frequents not just as a visitor but as a member of the family.
His interactions with the local deer herd, recognizing his relatives and avoiding mating with them, further illustrate his unique understanding of family ties and territory.

Thor’s occasional ventures into the far wilderness only to return, shows their special bond and trust.
This unique relationship showcases the profound connection that can exist between humans and wildlife, grounded in mutual respect and understanding of natural instincts and boundaries.
It’s clear that he loves all his family members, whether they have four legs or two.

Dawn’s journey with Thor has not only given the deer a chance at life but has also profoundly enriched her own connection with nature.
The experience has deepened her appreciation for the natural world, showing her the extraordinary interactions possible between humans and wildlife.
Not many people can say they have a sweet deer best friend.

A viewer said,
“She fed him every 3hrs from May through September….. Imagine that! Sheesh, the COMMITMENT! That’s pure love and dedication. She gave him a chance at life.”
It’s a story that resonates deeply with many, as evidenced by the 6.9 million views the video has garnered, touching hearts and inspiring minds around the globe.

Watch their heartwarming story in the video below!
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