If you own a German Shepherd, you already know how hilarious and amazing they are. If you ever need a laugh, you can be absolutely certain that your furry friend will provide it at a moment’s notice! For so many people across the world, German Shepherds are the goofiest and most expressive dogs they’ve ever owned – these pictures may just prove it forever!

1. A little nap
A little nap never hurt anyone, right? This little guy looks like he just ate and absolutely crashed. We can’t blame him!
2. Balancing act
If you ever wanted a smart dog, GS’s are a great choice! This good boi even learned how to balance all his stuff on his nose!
3. Terrifying
They may have a reputation as good guard dogs but just look at this little guy. He wouldn’t hurt a fly! He needs head-pats ASAP.
4. A little trip
Need to go on a trip? German Shepherds are so good in public that you won’t have to worry about much! Just be ready to stop when people want to say hello!
5. Hard worker
Behind on the bills? Just set them up with a work-from-home job. They will flourish as long as you give them belly rubs.
6. Alarm clocks
Need to wake up early? Don’t worry, they are on the job! A few licks to the face and you will wake up in no time!
7. A forever buddy
There is a reason these dogs make good police dogs! They are happy to serve and can handle the worst situations with ease.
8. Coffee date
That boy not show up for the coffee date he planned? Just take a German Shepherd! They will be totally content with a puppucino and a car ride.
9. Park dayz
The park is a great place to take a dog! You know what kind of pups love to swing? You guessed it – German Shepherds!
10. A bit scared sometimes
They may LOOK scary sometimes, but they can be fraidy-cats too! This poor hut seems to have heard a noise that scared the mess out of him. It was probably a lawn mower.
11. Good with other dogs
Some breeds don’t work well with other dogs. Not the case with a German Shepherd! They love to hang out and protect their friends.
12. Cheesy smiles
This little guy seems to have forgotten how to smile! “Look at the camera and say treats!” He sure tried!
13. A bit catty
They sometimes think they are cats. That’s most visible when they try and fit in spaces they clearly don’t belong. Cats are liquid so it works, dogs, not so much!
14. Babysitter pros
Need a babysitter? A German Shepherd is up for the job! This fellow looks like he would do anything for his little friend!
15. Bird watcher
Bird watching is a hobby that many people enjoy. As this photo shows us, apparently a certain dog breed has picked it up as a hobby too!
16. Tied in a knot
They have a rare talent that enables them to tie themselves in a knot! You better believe they will do this and then whine until you come and help them out of their predicament.
17. Hunt as a pack
Wolves hunt as a pack to take down their prey. German Shepherds do the same but they aren’t hunting for prey, they are hunting for cuddles and snuggles.
18. Reversed roles
Wait, isn’t it the dog who’s supposed to bite the arm of the guy in the suit? I guess this dogs a bit too refined for all that mess.
19. They are good detectives
This dog stumbled upon a crime scene and needed to find out the problem. The skeleton dog clearly thought, “the human is a huge squirrel and needed to be chased.”
20. Like a baby
They really are like babies when they are puppies. This photo is about as cute as things get in life! We love the papa.
21. Didn’t grow to match
When kids hit puberty they look a bit gangly and mismatched. This pup seems to have suffered the same fate but with his ears! His mom may have been part rabbit.
22. Branch manager
Need a good branch manager? This pup has the required experience. He has played with branches for as long as he can remember!
23. He’ll grow into it
We have big visions for what our dog is going to do with us. This little pup is going to fill that harness out one day! He just needs little time.
24. Part bear
German Shepbears are a rare breed of dog. They are mixed with grizzly bear and look like stuffed animals. They are the best cuddlers, however!
25. Productivity drop
“My Boss Got A Puppy And Brought Her Into The Office. Productivity Went Waaay Down”
We truly can’t blame them. We would want to pet that cutie, too!
26. A daily romp
German Shepherds need to exercise daily to keep them happy and healthy. This little guy is just thriving during his playtime!
27. Break the internet
This photo is so cute that we almost didn’t show it on here. We were worried it might cause the servers to crash with how ADORABLE she is.
28. Business in the front…
PARTY IN THE BACK! This little guy is on a trip with his friend and learning all the way. He will be a police pup one day!
29. Smiling eyes
They say that genuine smiles reach the eyes. That seems to be true for German Shepherds, too! This guy is so cute and genuinely happy to be with his friend.
30. A brother to admire
We all need someone to look up to! This cutie thinks the world of her older brother as a role model! We love their cute relationship.
31. Not just fun to drink
This pup learned that water isn’t just for drinking – it’s for messes, too! This is going to be tough to un-learn. Those poor hardwoods.
32. Shelter pup
This fluffy puppy wound up at a shelter and was still adorable and happy. Can you imagine having such a good attitude in such a rough time in life? Amazing!
33. Artificial window
Can’t roll the window down but still want to give your pup the feeling? Put that AC on blast and max it out!
34. Silver bullet
These puppy eyes are strong enough to knock anyone to the floor. This dog is an absolute pro when it comes to getting what he wants!
35. Spade-head
He is in the early stages of “spade-head”. His oversized ears are too big for his body and they just rest on each other, creating the shovel effect. We love it!
36. Floppy tongue
The amount of personality and character from this one photo is amazing. We love the little pink tongue just barely poking out like it’s saying hello!
37. Twinsies
These two pups are siblings and got to meet up again! Their owners planned a park trip and thought they would like to say hello. We think they loved it!
38. Forever friends and teammates
These two were dressed up for Halloween and the boy wanted to go as a SWAT member. The perfect bit of the costume? The accompanying police puppy!
39. Sleepy boi
What better place to nap than while you are getting pushed around the grocery store? We are here for it and think that he will probably wake up when he smells something yummy!
We somehow think that the most ferocious attack from this little fellow would be welcomed by most people. His puppy fighting attacks are just him playing and learning!
41. Lazy ear
We’ve all seen a lazy eye, but a lazy ear? That’s a new one! This pup makes it cool, though. It just adds character!
42. Pre-regret
What does pre-regret mean? It’s when you see something that is about to happen and you know it’s going to have a funny result. This is one of those moments.
43. A real trooper
If a puppy can be this happy WHILE at the vet, you can do anything this week. It’s super scary but this little fellow did perfectly dine and managed to look cute the whole time.
44. Moments before disaster
This photo was taken… and then the pup decided the phone is the enemy and attacked it! From what we understand, the phone was fine and they could still post photos of this adorable dog.
45. Two types of dog
One of these dogs is serious and determined and the other is like “bro, what are you so serious for”! It’s the perfect dichotomy of how dogs have so many personalities, even within the breed.
46. Good siblings
Some siblings fight, but these two clearly love each other. What better way to express your love than a cuddly nap during the day?
47. Fascinated!
Dogs are naturally curious, but German Shepherds are the MOST curious! This pup just wants to go over and sniff ALL the cows that he can.
48. All the colors
Black, brown, and tan are the main colors you see when looking at German Shepherds. The best part is that they are so neutral they look good wherever they are!
49. Slayer
A German Shepherd would never hurt a kind and loving owner, but they will try and slay you with those eyes! A good puppy face and they have you around their fingers (paws?).
50. Shoe obsession
Need a dog who enjoys fashion as much as you do? Look no further! They like shoes so much they literally EAT them sometimes!
After seeing all those impossibly adorable and hilarious photos of German Shepherds, you have to admit they are awesome, right? I mean, who would have thought that such a fuzzy little animal could worm its way into your heart forever!
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