Seeing a neglected and malnourished animal always makes our hearts sink.
But thankfully, there are many good people out there working to help these poor animals. This includes a kind rescue group that helped nurse multiple horses back to health.

These horses were starved beyond belief until these caring people nursed them back to health.
The horses were skin and bone with extreme anxiety, now they’re healthy and full of joy!

After receiving an anonymous call about some horses that were extremely malnourished, Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue knew they had to help them right away.
When they went to check out the horses across the river that the caller in Dover, NY, had called about, their hearts immediately broke.
It didn’t take a trained eye to see that the horses were in horrible health, so the founder of LOHR, Deanna, set out to help them.

The horse who was in the worst shape, Rosie, looked like she could have dropped at any minute.
Her ribs were completely visible and her hair was matted and torn.
On top of that, you could see the anxiety on her face from what she had endured.

Rosie, her daughter Britt, and another horse named Midnight were stuck in a rough place where they would have to fight for food.
Deanna asked Rosie’s only human friend, Amanda, if she would help them bring her back to health and she was elated to help.
When Amanda met Rosie, the horse was literally risking her life just to get a bite of grass.

“When I first met Rosie, she reached under the electric fence to get some grass. When I saw that, it broke my heart, I had to help her. She became very attached to me, so did I, whatever we go through we’ve been going through together,” Amanda explained to The Dodo.
Thanks to Lucky Orphans Horse Rescue, Rosie, and the other horses finally had plenty of food and were given their very first baths.
On top of the freshwater, food, and their first bath, the horses also had their hooves trimmed to get them ready for the biggest day of all.
Soon, the horses would be ready and well enough to be given the freedom they so deserve.

The transformation is incredible, their hair is full and beautiful, and they’ve gained a ton of weight, but best of all, that look of fear and anxiety is gone.
They can finally enjoy being horses, without having to worry where their next meal is coming from.

When it’s finally time to set them free, even the horses can’t believe it.
Deanna and Amanda go together on the big day, all three horses have been completely nursed back to health and can now run freely together.
When they open the gate to let them run, the horses pause for a minute before bolting into the open air.
“It’s refreshing to know that they’re safe now, they don’t ever have to worry about food or shelter again. They’re home and they’re healthy and they can stay that way,” Deanna explained.

This story is truly inspirational, and it’s so wonderful to see these horses enjoying their freedom. They’ll never have to worry about going hungry again.
Check out the full horse rescue in the video below!
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