Moon, a 5-year-old Shih Tzu, from Perth, Australia, is a very special pup.
Owned by Kate Hayes, a veterinary nurse at Warwick Vet Hospital, Moon works full-time as the clinic’s client liaison officer! This is where he spends most of his days comforting and caring for animals in need.
Kate found Moon when he was just a little puppy— but it didn’t take long for his care-giving talents to emerge.

Four years ago, Kate started fostering a 3-legged cat named Phoenix.

Phoenix had to undergo surgery, and when she got to Kate’s house, Moon refused to leave her side.
In an e-mail to our staff, Kate said, “When I took Phoenix home, he bonded with her straight away. I think he knew she was in pain after her surgery. He’d sit by her cage all day long.”
“When Phoenix came she was a kitten from the streets— so quite hissy and growly all the time. But with Moon, she settled right away. She was comfortable with him.”
“I was so surprised, as she still hissed at me!” Kate laughed.

Phoenix and Moon grew incredibly close, and now they are a bonded pair. Moon’s connection with Phoenix helped the dog develop a love of felines— and he has been helping Kate foster kittens ever since!

“When Moon hears kittens, his ears perk up and he runs to see where they are,” Kate explained. “When he finds them, he nuzzles them gently and lies with them.”

“He really loves his babies.”

Working at a vet clinic has given Moon a soft spot for vulnerable animals of all kind.
Kate says, “He definitely bonds with sick kittens more. It’s like he knows there is something wrong with them and becomes super protective.”

Moon also developed a very close bond with another one of Kate’s fosters, a wobbly kitty named Stumbelina. Stumbelina suffered from cerebellar hypoplasia, a condition which affects balance and gait— but Moon was determined to help.
“Moon followed Stumbelina everywhere,” Kate recalled. “When she fell over, he would nuzzle her back to her feet.”

“He was so cute with her. He loved snuggling with her for naps.”

“The kittens are definitely comforted by him,” Kate says. “We get feral babies that come in so scared— but within 10 minutes of being with Moon, they seem to settle.”

“He has been foster to 74 kittens so far, two of which are still at our house. The others have gone on to live happy, healthy lives with new owners.”

Because many of Kate’s fosters become clients at her vet clinic, Moon often gets to stay in touch and see them during visits.

And if you ever bring your kittens to Warwick Vet Hospital, expect Moon to be right there, smothering them with kisses and love!
“When Moon hears kittens, he gets excited and he runs around the clinic until he finds it. Then he will either smoosh, cuddle it, or lie beside its cage.”

Moon’s caring nature doesn’t end with sick kitties, though! This little pup loves helping all animals in need.
“Moon’s also been a foster dad to 2 puppies. One is still with us.”
“His name is Moe. He is a 3-legged American bulldog.”

Despite technically being a Shih Tzu, Moon is clearly a special breed.

If people were more like animals, this world would be a better place.

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