What do you typically think of when you think of mice? If you’re like the majority of people, you probably don’t have very warm associations with these furry little creatures. That’s because we’re usually concerned with mice getting inside our homes, chewing through things and eating our food. What we tend to overlook, however, is that mice can be really adorable animals in the right light.
An example of this came recently from British photographer Miles Herbert, the man behind Captivelight, an organization which hosts a number of photography workshops for clients interested in taking pictures of animals. But of his many photographs, a series Herbert took of harvest mice had been taking the internet by storm:
“Nearly all the animals we photograph are captive bred, the mice are bred to release in into the wild at a local nature reserve—we prefer to use captive bred animals rather than disturbing wild populations, and captive bred animals are more sustainable.”
With all that in mind, here are 15 of the best photos from his shoot.
1. This guy hiding in a flower.

All the little flecks of pollen on this mouse’s nose really make this one especially adorable. Also worth noting is that these pictures were all taken on a stage and in a controlled environment, so whoever was in charge of wrangling the mice—we salute you.
2. And this other guy who is his little friend.

We can’t stress enough how tricky it must’ve been to get the mice to pose in all these adorable ways. If these pictures weren’t posed, it’s almost harder—imagine waiting for the perfect time for the mice to make poses like this one!
3. How about a close-up?

Even though mice are notoriously skittish, Herbert was able to pull off incredibly sharp close-ups like this one. If you look closely, you can see so much texture in the whiskers and the fur… it almost feels like you could reach out and put this little dude in your pocket!
4. Who knew that mice had such good balance?

Because these mice are so small, they can perch themselves in the most precarious ways without falling over. I guess their feet must have an especially strong grip! Those who are paying attention may also see that there’s another mouse hiding out in the flower.
5. Either that flower is really strong or this guy is really tiny.

The mice can even balance themselves on top of the flower petals themselves—and that’s no easy feat. A special salute to the photographer is in order here for this very fine shot. To all the mice in our lives: we’re sorry we ever doubted you.
6. This flower must smell especially good.

Unlike some of the other pictures, this one seems to capture the mouse in his natural state. With his feet balanced between the stem and the leaf, he delicately sniffs the air. Maybe mice have a sense of smell like dogs do? If so, we can only imagine the aroma this little guy is getting.
7. Some of these compositions are too precious to be real.

All the pictures of mice posing inside the heads of flowers are cute, without a doubt. But this one is really something special. From the perfect composition to the shiny dewdrops on the side… this one is good enough to make us think about getting a mouse of our own.
8. Some of the flowers in these shots are particularly beautiful as well.

There are plenty of shots of mice crawling in and out of flowers but it’s also worth calling some attention to the flowers themselves. Some of Herbert’s close-ups really illuminate the sharp colors and contrasts of these beautiful plants.
9. Have you ever seen anything cuter than this?

Of all of the poses Herbert was able to capture, this one might be our favorite for being the most relatable. After all, if you could climb entirely into a flower, wouldn’t you lie on your back like it was a hammock as well? This is one smart little mouse if you ask us.
10. Sometimes it’s the negative space that helps make a photograph great.

Aside from the cute mouse and the flower here, the background really adds a new level to this picture. The red flower petals really pop off the yellow background—and the mouse seems to be looking into the mid-distance, contemplating something. This is one that you can get lost in.
11. Apparently plenty of mice have incredible balance.

If you saw any of the other balancing photos and thought they were just flukes, think again. This one shows yet another mouse with his legs spread between leaf and stem like a ninja. These kind of skills could really come in handy (though it might take hours of time doing gymnastics to master them).
12. What do you think this guy is trying to say?

We’re getting a lot of different vibes from this photo. The little mouse is popping his head above the flower and looking right in the camera. Is he asking us to look at him and posing for the picture? Or is he saying leave me alone, this is my flower? We leave the interpretation up to you.
13. Mice shouldn’t be allowed to look as coy as this one does.

It’s the subtlety in these photos that really makes the entire collection work. Take a look at how delicately this little guy is posed. He’s got one little paw poking out around the stem, another one pushing the leaf aside and he’s looking slightly sideways at the camera. Mice can flirt with photographers, as it turns out.
14. The way this guy’s tail is curved reminds us of a teacup.

Like many of the other pictures, the mouse in this one looks like he doesn’t have a care in the world. He’s simply enjoying the view from the inside of his little flower, leaving his tail draped over the edge. This picture makes us want to take a vacation ourselves…
15. And this guy is just a little bit shy.

Not everyone wants to have their picture taken all the time. Although some of the subjects in these photos popped right up or even cheated out towards the camera, this guy is a little more reticent. He’s curled up in his flower, looking away and hiding a little bit. We can relate, pal.
If you liked these pictures, be sure to support Miles Herbert by visiting his website and looking at more of his incredible animal photography. If you live in the United Kingdom, you might even consider taking one of his workshops yourself!
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